The UK has unique spelling and punctuation conventions among English-speaking countries.

UK spelling is predominant outside the United States.

UK punctuation is simpler and more intuitive than American punctuation.

Suffix Spelling Differences

To ensure consistency, we replace:

–ize with –ise
–izing with –ising
–ization with –isation

American English

  • Standardize
  • Criticizing
  • Specialization

UK English

  • Standardise
  • Criticising
  • Specialisation

General Spelling Differences

Apart from suffixes, several other words are spelled differently in UK English.

American English

  • Labor
  • Defense
  • Encyclopedia
  • Center
  • Fulfill
  • Skeptic

UK English

  • Labour
  • Defence
  • Encyclopaedia
  • Centre
  • Fulfil
  • Sceptic

Quotation Marks and Punctuation

In UK English, single quotation marks are used for quotations.

Double quotation marks are used for quotations within quotations.

American English

  • Take a seat
  • He told me, Take a seat

UK English

  • Take a seat
  • He told me, Take a seat

In UK English, punctuation goes after the final quotation mark unless it is specifically part of the quotation:

American English

  • USA.”
  • USA,”
  • She answered, Of course!”
  • He asked, What did you see?”

UK English

  • UK’.
  • UK’,
  • She answered, Of course!’
  • He asked, What did you see?’

American spelling and punctuation is accepted in the UK at the undergraduate and master’s levels, but inconsistency is not.

We edit for consistent, PhD-level UK-style spelling and punctuation to make the best possible impression on your reviewer.